It's really hard to make everyone happy with a privacy policy. Most people who use ALSAF want something short and easy to understand. While we wish we could fit everything you need to know into a sentence,
our regulator ask's we meet our legal obligations by describing them in a lot of details.
In a bid to make this as simple as possible we've written our privacy policy in a well informed manner to aid you understand the informtion we have access and control over, when it's shared and how it's used.
The information we collect when you use ALSAF WEB falls into three (3) categories.
To use some of our products and services you need to have an account, and to create an account, you need to provide us certain information. Likewise, if you use our paid products and services, we cannot provide them to you without getting payment information. Basically, certain information is necessary if you want to use many of our products and services.
When you use our services, we collect information about how you use our products and services. We use that information to provide you with products and services, to help keep ALSAF HUB more secure and respectful for everyone, and more relevant to you.
Usage Information. We collect information about your activity on ALSAF HUB, including:
Purchase and payments. To allow you to make a payment or send money using ALSAF features or services, including through an intermediary, we may receive information about your transaction such as when it was made, when a subscription is set to expire or auto-renew, and amounts paid or received to access ALSAF, including:
Location Information. When you use ALSAF HUB, we collect some information about your approximate location to provide the service you expect. You can also choose to share your current precise location or places where you’ve previously used ALSAF HUB by enabling these settings in your account.
Inferred Identity.> We may collect or receive information that we use to infer your identity as detailed below:
Log Information. We may receive information when you view content on or otherwise interact with our products and services, even if you have not created an account or are signed out, such as:
Cookies and similar technologies. Like many websites, we use cookies and similar technologies to collect additional website usage data and to operate our services. Cookies are not required for many parts of our products and services such as searching and looking at public profiles. You can learn more about how we use cookies and similar technologies here.
Interactions with our content on third-party sites. When you view our content on third-party websites that integrate ALSAF content such as embedded reaction buttons, we may receive Log information that includes the web page you visited.
When you use other online products and services, they may share information about that usage with us.
Ad Partners, Developers, Publishers. Our ad and business partners share information with us such as browser cookie IDs, ALSAF-generated identifiers, mobile device IDs, hashed user information like email addresses, demographic or interest data, and content viewed or actions taken on a website or app. Some of our ad partners, particularly our advertisers, also enable us to collect similar information directly from their websites or app by integrating our advertising technology. Information shared by ad partners and affiliates or collected
by ALSAF HUB from the websites and apps of ad partners and affiliates may be combined with the other information you share with ALSAF and that ALSAF HUB receives, generates, or infers about you described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy.
Other Third Parties, Account Connections, and Integrations. We may receive information about you from third parties who are not our ad partners, such as other ALSAF users, developers, and partners who help us evaluate the safety and quality of content on our platform, our corporate affiliates, and other services you link to your ALSAF account. You may choose to connect your ALSAF account to your account on another service, and that other service may send us information about your account on that service.
Breaking down how we use the information we collect is not simple because of the way the systems that bring our services to you work. For example, the same piece of information may be used differently for different purposes to ultimately deliver a single service. We think it’s most useful to describe the five main ways we use the information and if you have questions that are not answered, you can always contact us.
We use the information we collect to provide and operate ALSAF HUB products and services. We also use the information we collect to improve and personalize our products and services so that you have a better experience of ALSAF
We use information we collect to provide for the safety and security of our users, our products, services, and your account. This includes verifying your identity, authenticating your account, and defending against fraud, unauthorized use, and illegal activity.
We use the information we collect to measure and analyze the effectiveness of our products and services and to better understand how you use them in order to make them better.
We use the information we collect to communicate with you about our products and services, including product updates and changes to our policies and terms. If you’re open to hearing from us, we may also send you marketing messages from time to time.
We use information you share with us, or that we collect to conduct research, surveys, product testing, and troubleshooting to help us operate and improve our products and services.
We may preserve, use, share, or disclose your information if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to:
We may share, sell, or transfer information about you in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets, or bankruptcy. This Privacy Policy will apply to your personal information that is shared with (before and after the close of any transaction) or transferred to the new entity.
We keep different types of information for different periods of time:
The most current version of this Privacy Policy governs our processing of your personal data and we may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time as needed.
If we do revise this Privacy Policy and make changes that are determined by us to be material, we will provide you notice and an opportunity to review the revised Privacy Policy before you continue to use ALSAF.
If you wish to raise a concern about our data processing practices you can confidentially contact ALSAF’s Data Protection Officer through our Support inquiry form or on Social Media through the handles below.
Last Updated: Nov 2022
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